ACBS Information

Interested in joining the ACBS?  Have a friend who would like to join?  The NC Coastal & Piedmont Chapter of ACBS welcomes all new members of all ages. Some of the many benefits of membership include: 

  • Annual Membership Directory through ACBS
    A comprehensive listing of ACBS members and their contact information.  This is a great resource for those who are restoring or preserving an antique or classic boat. 
  • The ACBS Rudder
    Annual membership includes quarterly issues of the Antique & Classic Boat Society’s official magazine.
  • ACBS News Blog
    Members may contribute articles and photographs to the ACBS Blog.
  • Marine Insurance at a discount
    ACBS members are eligible for a 10% premium discount on boats insured through Hagerty Classic Marine Insurance, Inc.
  • Information about events of interest to chapter members.
  • Fun chapter outings and events.
  • Informative monthly newsletter.
  • Advice, encouragement and hands-on assistance from chapter members.

Boat ownership is not required!  Only an interest in antique and classic boats and a desire to make new friendships are needed to join us.

Go online to conveniently join or renew both your membership in ACBS International as well as your membership(s) in our chapter and others.  You can hold membership in as many of the local chapters that interest you. For example, several of our chapter members are also members of the Smith Mountain Lake and Blue Ridge ACBS Chapters.

To join, go to the National web site at then select "Join".  Be sure to select NC Coastal & Piedmont as your home chapter.  The ACBS International dues are $55 (for yourself and one co-member) and the NC Coastal and Piedmont Chapter dues are $20.  Remember that you must have an ACBS International membership if you also want to join any ACBS chapter.

For questions or more information, please send an email to the Chapter President Alan HIlls at 252.514.8525 or 

Thank you for your interest.  We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming event!